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Health Discovered

Jan 31, 2019

CBD oil is trendy, but is it really a miracle cure for, well, everything? WebMD's Chief Medical Editor Dr. Michael Smith has the answers. Do the short winter days get you down? You might have seasonal affective disorder. Learn what it is and what to do about it. Ready for the big game? We found some Super Bowl stats...

Jan 17, 2019

Hear how Kathy Bates, Rufus Wainwright, and other WebMD Health Heroes are making a difference in health and wellness in 2019. Then, are you thinking of mailing in your DNA to learn more about your health and ancestry? Listen to these facts first. And, dermatologist Dr. Laurel Geraghty tells us why January is a...

Jan 3, 2019

Did you set a goal to lose weight in the new year? WebMD's Chief Medical Editor, Michael Smith, tells us the truth about common weight loss myths. Then James Clear, author of the best-selling book Atomic Habits, shares the four things that you should do to make a new habit stick. Plus, check out our list of the...

Jan 2, 2019

Is weight loss one of your goals for the new year? Check out our conversation with nutritionist Christy Harrison, MPH, RD, CDN, author of the new book, Anti-Diet. She tells us why diet culture is toxic for so many people, what intuitive eating is (and isn't), and what the "health at every size" movement is all about....