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Health Discovered

Feb 29, 2024

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men, women, and people of most racial and ethnic groups in the United States alone, with one person dying from heart disease every 33 seconds. February, in addition to American Heart Month, is Black History Month. Black Americans are 30 percent more likely to die from...

Feb 22, 2024

Between the extreme opposites of toxic positivity and pessimism lies a healthy middle ground that we often overlook: practical optimism. What does it mean to move through the world with optimism? And even if we often feel pessimistic or hypervigilant, how can we practice optimism on a daily basis to develop this...

Feb 15, 2024

Over the past century in the U.S., there's been a societal transformation in what we expect from our romantic relationships. It's not just about love anymore; there's a growing belief that our partners will fulfill many roles, including being instrumental in our personal growth. But what do these expectations mean in...

Feb 8, 2024

February is American Heart Month, and a pivotal date, February 22nd, shines a spotlight on Heart Valve Disease Awareness Day, emphasizing the significance of the role heart valves play in maintaining our overall health and well-being. What function do the heart valves serve? What are the ways a heart valve can fail?...

Feb 1, 2024

When we think of racism, we often think of overt acts of prejudice and discrimination, but what about subtle microaggressions, bias, and systemic barriers? February is Black History Month, and we are looking at the ways trauma and stress due to racism can impact the Black community physically, mentally, and emotionally....